Titipounamu or rifleman bird

Rifleman Press


Book: Taking the Ridge


Messines in WW1


Tītipounamu Rifleman Press

Tītipounamu Rifleman Press was established to publish Taking the Ridge. That book’s manuscript had received strong public interest as a story that needed to be told. Sales of Taking the Ridge show demand is there.


Other books are in preparation.


Jeff McNeill

93 Victoria Avenue

Palmerston North 4410

New Zealand


+64 21 386 701

Jeff McNeill, author and publisher, Titipounamu Rifleman Press


Titipounamu or rifleman bird.


Tītipounamu or Rifleman (Acanthisitta chloris) is New Zealand’s smallest bird. Māori refer to the forest-dwelling birds as messengers to the gods, specifically as one of the messengers of Tāne, god of the forest. Titipounamu is a derivative of two words: “tītiti” which means “a mirage or vision of”, and “pounamu”, which is greenstone or jade, referencing their greenish plumage. The bird’s green plumage reminded European settlers of the rifleman’s uniform of a green jacket.


It is no coincidence that Jeff’s grandfather served in the New Zealand Division’s 3rd (Rifle) Brigade as a rifleman in the First World War.







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